Born 1775 and died 1851. Turner never married but did have a relationship with a widower Sarah Danby and it was believed that he had two children with her. Turner was very close to his father who was also his studio assistant for 30 years until he died in 1829, this effected his artwork as after his subject seemed to have elements of depression. Turner used predominantly oil on canvas throughout his career and life.
The piece has an overall haze effect as nothing is 100% precise, i think this gives the piece a sense of motion. The piece is of a lake and on the opposite side there is a house on fire. In the center of the piece there are vibrant yellows and oranges and there reflection in the lake, the yellows and oranges are the flames in the clouds from the house that can be seen as a dark orange. There is a bridge in the background behind the flames across the horizon. in the fore ground there is what appears to be a boat tied to a post by the shore next to a small walkway into the lake. The lake is blue around the reflection of the flames and the shore on the right hand side.
Turner had used alot of tone throughout the piece, the yellow and oranges use tone with the primary and secondary colours being placed next to each other. Also tone is used in the sky with the blue going from dark to light. Turner has also used the marks he makes to create texture in the lake of the ripples of the water and the reflections in the water.
The composition of the piece works well as the colours used all work well together, with the yellow and orange featuring predominantly in the center and the blues around it with elements of the orange and yellow in it.
turner has used a lot of formal elements in the piece, he has used colour expertly in this piece through out by creating reflections in the water at a vast array of tones to capture the ferocity of nature.
I think Turner created this piece to capture the moment and document it in a visual was to show how powerful the natural elements are and how powerless and insignificant man really is when it comes to the brute force of nature.
This piece can relate to my theme as it is a memory of an even that happened along time ago.
After progressing further through the course I intend to study the form and marks Turner uses so that i can experiment with them and implement the techniques I find effective into my final piece.
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